Cepex Extreme Valves

European manufacturer of high quality industrial plastic valves - Cepex Extreme Series
All Valves Online Ltd are pleased to add to their ever growing range of high quality valves and brands, the Cepex Extreme valve series. Cepex are a global brand of plastic valves and have now launched the new industrial Extreme Series. Including a range of high quality Cepex brand ball valve in PVC, ABS, PP, CPVC and PVDF, available in a variety of end connections from 1/2 "to 4" 20mm to 110mm as a full bore valve, with a range of end connections and seat materials.
All Cepex Extreme ball valves can be actuated using our extensive range of quarter turn electric actuators and pneumatic actuators that we hold in stock. Adding to our range of high quality actuated valve packages, we will be offering actuated PVC valves, actuated ABS valves, actuated PP ball valves and actuated CPVC valves from stock.
The Cepex Extreme Butterfly valve is a high quality, industrial lugged butterfly valve, body in PP-H with a range of disc materials including PVC-U, PVC-C, ABS, PP-H and PVDF. Like the Cepex Extreme ball valve series, we can offer as manually operated valve or actuated butterfly valve with electric actuator or pneumatic actuator.
Finally, we are showing the Cepex Extreme Diaphragm valve series, with a range of materials and diaphragms available, end connections and sizes making this a competitive, industrial range of diaphragms for a variety of applications including WWT (waste water treatment)
All Valves Online Ltd are the authorised reseller of the Cepex Extreme Valve Series for the UK. You can see the full industrial catalogue by clicking on the banner below: