Actuated Ball Valves

Actuation Valve Specialist - Actuator & Valve Automation in the UK
All Valves Online offer one the most comprehensive ranges of actuated ball valves available in the UK today, with industrial quality ball valves sourced from both European and Far Eastern manufacturers to cover both economy and heavy duty requirements.
Each electric ball valve and air actuated ball valve is quickly built from stock in the All Valves in-house Valve Actuation Centre and are available in a wide range of materials, pressure classes and end connections.
From simple open-close function to a failsafe electric ball valve to actuated v-control valves with a modulating electric actuator utilising special V profiled balls are all built, tested and supplied by Allvalves.
Core ball valve brands available from All Valves Online include: RIV, RUB, Genebre, Brandoni, ECON, Mars, ADLER, Pekos, Dafram, Kingdom and many more.
Thank you for your interest in the Actuated Valves range from AVOL.
The Valve Actuation Specialists
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