Stafsjo Knife Gate Valves

World leader in Knife Gate Valves, highest Quality, made in Sweden.
All Valves Online are proud to specify and supply Stafjsö Knife gate valves as part of our partnership with EBRO valves. Stafjsö, founded in 1666 manufacturer high quality knife gate valves for a variety of applications and industries from their EU manufacturing plant in Sweden. All Valves have specified wherever possible the Stafjsö knife gate valves for all of their Biogas and AD plant work.
The high quality product and features makes the Stafjsöknife gate valve range the number one choice for All Valves. As featured in the BVAA valve user magazine, All Valves supplied a large AD Plant with all of their valves with all knife gate valves being specified as Stafjsö by All Valves.
With full ISO9001.2008 accreditation, Stafjsö is a quality manufacturer and also complies with the PED 97/23/EC directive, Machine Directive 2006, ATEX 94/9 and carries Cu Tr-010 Certification.
Offering a range of valves from DN50 (2") through to DN1600 (64") in cast iron, nodular iron, several duplex and stainless steel grades, Titanium and many other exotic alloys, the range is complete.
This range of knife gate valves is All Valves premium offering when it comes to knife gate valves whether the valve is to be used on slurry, bio-gas, pulp and paper, powder or any other duty that requires a knife gate valve, make sure you also choose the number 1 brand in Knife Gate Valves. Stafjsö are a global brand and are another sign of quality supplied by All Valves.
The Stafjsö valves are available as manually operated via hand wheel or lever, actuated via a pneumatic cylinder as either double acting or single acting or electrically actuated via an Auma multi turn electric actuator. See options below.
Below you can find some of the valves available, others available within the range that might not be shown below, please contact us if you are looking to replace a model like for like.

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