All Valves Online Blog

All Valves Online Blog page
Here we will show you our latest blogs and news update, keep checking back for the latest news:
December 2019
All Valves Online have updated our website to include more products than ever before including our biggest selection of actuated valves ever, with our AVP Pneumatic actuated valve series and AVA electric actuated valve range. We have also added more manual valves than ever before. We will be continuously adding to the site over the coming months. Keep checking back for more details.
November 2019
This month we have been busy travelling the globe as we held meetings in Amsterdam at the Aqua Tech show, Barcelona for meetings with Cepex, meetings with clients in Hong Kong as we continue to develop our export sales and finally we have been carrying out projects in the North East. The projects included meeting our clients from Norway that attended our selected test facility for witness testing with DNV inspectors.
October 2019
Record sales for this month as we head towards a 8th consecutive year of growth. A number of large value projects have been secured including actuated valve projects for customers in Hong Kong, HVAC valve projects, SIL rated actuated valves and UK Chemical plant projects.
September 2019
All Valves Online have again been travelling this month with the Directors attending meetings and trade shows in the USA. All Valves continue to develop sales in the USA as part of continued growth plans and export markets.
August 2019
A busy summer has seen a number of project orders secured but All Valves have also completed the acquisition of Actuated Valve Supplies Ltd, a UK based valve actuation company that is part of our continued plans for growth.
July 2019
All Valves Online attend local Chamber of Commerce Business Awards where they are nominated finalists for 2 x awards including Ecommerce Business of the Year and Exporter of the Year. In recongnition of our website which is used daily by customers all over the world. The website is the main reason All Valves have such large export business.