Ductile Iron Diaphragm Valves

Hand picked by the All Valves experts, a selection of some of the best value for money valves from various brands.
Manually Operated Diaphragm Valves, Screwed and Flanged options
There are two main categories of diaphragm valves: one type seals over a "weir" (saddle) and the other (sometimes called a "straight-way" valve) seals over a seat. The main difference is that a saddle-type valve has its two ports in line with each other on the opposite sides of the valve, whereas the seat-type has the in/out ports located at a 90 degree angle from one another.
The saddle type is the most common in process applications and the seat-type is more commonly used as a tank bottom valve but exists also as a process valve. While diaphragm valves usually come in two-port forms (2/2-way diaphragm valve), they can also come with three ports (3/2-way diaphragm valves also called t-valves) and more (so called block-valves).
The Valve Actuation Specialists
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