EBRO T211A Butterfly valves

Global brand of the highest Quality Butterfly Valves, German made.
EBRO SERIES T211 - Wafer PTFE lined pattern butterfly valves
All Valves Online have made EBRO butterfly valves our standard valve for many years now due to its high quality performance, appearance and consistency when it comes to actuating this global brand of butterfly valve.
The T211A is the world famous wafer pattern butterfly valve, suitable for a variety of applications with a wide range of liners available. The valve has consistent torques for actuation with low reliable torques, ISO 5211 mounting and to suit a variety of flange arrangements. The PTFE lined valves are the number 1 choice for aggressive medias and applications such as biogas or water treatment and reverse osmosis plants.
The T211A is available with a PTFE liner and SS duplex disc or PTFE liner and PTFE coated disc. The PTFE liner is a full PTFE liner and not PTFE on EPDM as most of the competitors valves are.
The valve can be used in a variety of applications so please see the techncial documentation below. All Valves have used this valve on many applications including the supply of 6 x 12" valves for our biogas plants.
The valve can also be used on vacuum duties, see datasheet for full information.

Note that we are in the process of adding the full range of EBRO valves to our website. For information today, please call us or email us at sales@allvalves.co.uk