63mm Economy Bottom Entry

Global brand of industrial process Ball valves in a wide range of materials and types.
Series 8033/8035 - Genebre Back Entry Temp Gauge
Genebre offer 2 versions of their popular economy 63mm ~ 21/2" bottom entry dial thermometer, one has a 50mm ~ 2" probe length, the other has a 100mm ~ 4" probe length.
Gauge material Zinc plated iron
Window material Acrylic
Probe material Brass 8mm +ÿ
Scale Dual -¦C and -¦F
Precision -¦ 2.5%
Connection 1/2" BSP male
Please place your order online from the table below, noting part numbers:
Genebre 8033 50mm probe length
Genebre 8035 100mm probe length
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