Pressure Gauge (PSI/ Bar)

Global brand of industrial process Ball valves in a wide range of materials and types.
Series 8012 - Genebre Pressure Gauge
Genebre 8012 Industrial quality pressure gauge showing psi & bar, all stainless construction providing resistance to most aggressive media and environments. Can be filled with glycerine for oscillating or vibrating applications - please contact us for details.
Accuracy Class 1. 1%
FSD to DIN EN 873-3
Ranges 0-1 bar to 0-600 bar
Pressure Static - whole range, dynamic 90% of full scale
Temp Storage -40 to +70-¦C
Working ambient -20 to +60-¦C
Working media -20 to +100-¦C
Connection 1/2" BSP Bottom entry in 316SS
Dial White aluminium with duo scale
Needles Black aluminium, micrometer screw
Case 100mm in 304 Stainless steel
Window Laminated glass
The Valve Actuation Specialists
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